Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Posted by Dr. Rossem, ALPDD List

If you are a teacher, does your program or school nourish creativity
and innovation? If so, how does this happen?

If you are a professional developer, how do your professional
development efforts nourish creativity and innovation?

Does your state ABE system nourish these? If so, how?

How do _you_ nourish creativity and innovation in your work and in
the work of your colleagues?

You will find at

click here

a list of possible sources � and examples � of teacher creativity
and innovation in adult literacy education.

What other sources and examples are you aware of?

To contribute your ideas of sources or examples, reply to this
message on the Professional Development discussion list and/or add
them to the above wiki page.

The Adult Literacy Education Wiki page,

has been updated

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