Friday, August 08, 2008

Motivating Young Learners Workshop

Motivating Young Learners!

A workshop led by Olha Madylus 英語教師研習工作坊

Why, if children are actually born with the necessary skills to be successful learners, do so many fail to reach their potential?

Organised by the British Council, this presentation addresses this dilemma. First examining the abilities children are born with, then exploring what happens when children are thrown into that unnatural and bizarre establishment – school. Practical classroom strategies (which teachers can easily integrate into their own classrooms), for children aged 7-17, based on the idea that challenge, fun and success are vital ingredients in shaping children’s attitude to learning and ability to do well will be presented.


此工作坊為英國文化協會主辦,將針對這個主題,深入探討孩童出生時已具備的能力,以及進入『學校』這個學習環境後所面臨的挑戰。同時,講師將為國內教導7-17歲孩童的英語教師,分享實用的課堂教學策略- 強調具挑戰性、趣味性、及成功的教學方法為塑造孩童成功學習的重要關鍵因素!


Ms. Olha Madylus英語教學經驗豐富,在英國擔任國際英語EFL教師證照CELTA之講師,同時也是劍橋大學考試局 (Cambridge ESOL) 國際專業導師。曾受邀至很多非英語系國家擔任英語講師及顧問,並且培訓當地學校英語教師,對兒童英語教學相當有研究。目前是師資訓練專家,經常受邀到世界各地演講,深受歡迎。

日期與時間:2008年 8月15日,星期五 下午13:00 – 16:00 [ 13.10-14.30 & 14.45-16.00]

地 點:集思會議中心 柏拉圖廳〔台北市羅斯福路四段85號B1〕

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※ 前來參加完成研習的英語教師,將可申請多元研習時數共三小時。

※ 英國文化協會將提供”閱讀的魔力”讀本致贈與會貴賓,歡迎有興趣的老師踴躍報名參加!


集思會議中心 柏拉圖廳;捷運公館站出口2

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