Day 2: June 16
Discussion Topic: Online (and Distance) Design -
As an instructor and student of online classes, I have not have much hand at designing or contemplating what can be used in the design of an online learning environment. From what I have seen in e-mails directed to this discussion I find it is utterly amazing and there are so many possiblitities. I liked the "Survey Monkey" Janet put in the discussion.... what a great site! I will definitely find a use for it! Thank you Dr. Rosen for the tip regarding the instruction movies on the site . There is some great stuff that has come my way without even looking for it!
I guess from the stand-point of someone who has taken online classes and has instructed using them, I find the more user-friendly, the better; interactive sites, where drawings are made, (such as demonstrating angles, acute, obtuse, etc.), or where feed-back or answers are given, are great learning tools; use of graphics to teach things is a spectacular teaching tool. I have found that when I review some suggested sites, I learn new ways of explaining things, or ways to make the explanation clearer in my own teaching. It seems the internet has a great future for teaching and is a great tool for teachers.
When a lot of the discussion seemed slanted to those designing or facilitating the design of online professional development, I didn't know if it was a place I belonged. But, it is a great adventure reading the comments and visiting other areas, and a lot of places I was unaware of! I find it is a great learning experience and I look forward to all of the discussions.
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