Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sue Waters Keynote Presentation Webconference

Reform Symposium
Saturday, 7/31/2010, 12 noon
Day 1 Closing Keynote: Sue Waters

By Christopher Rogers, on July 10th, 2010

Sue Waters is Australian based in Perth and is married with two kids. While her work as an aquaculture lecturer, at Challenger TAFE, earned her the vote of the coolest job title Sue’s passion is the use of technology to enhance student learning.

Sue’s technology use has changed considerably since she was first introduced to it’s potential in 2000; from a LMS (WebCT) to Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate), mobile technologies (spyglasses, PDAs, iPods) and Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis etc).

Her passion for technology has lead to Sue’s transition from aquaculture lecturer, to facilitating professional development workshops on elearning and web 2.0 technologies to her current role as editor of The Edublogger and working for Edublogs as Edublogs Community Facilitator.

While she does spend considerable time helping and mentoring others — she does make time for for her personal and family life. Sue’s favorite ways of relaxing are reading a good book or going to a movie at the cinema.

As a blogger Sue stands for — practical application of technologies in education, and most importantly HELPING OTHERS learn how to use these technologies.

Date & Times: Fri. July 30th 9pm-10pm LA/ 12am Sat. NYC/ 5am, Sat. 7/31, London/ 6am, Sat. Paris/ 2pm, Sat., Sydney/ 1pm, Sat., Tokyo

Click here to join the Keynote:

Keynote’s Website: Sue Waters,
Twitter: @SueWaters

21C learning environment

Shelly Blake Keynote
Keynote: What We Do

Description: A view from the classroom and a conversation about what 21C learning looks like on the ground level. There will be many examples of the practical and everyday use of Twitter, Jing, Wave, Blogs, Wikis, and more as used by students and teachers alike as well as a look at how to transform the physical space of the classroom into a 21C learning environment conducive to collaboration, mobile computing, and tech-integrated differentiated instruction.

Date & Times: Fri. July 30th 7pm-8pm LA/ 10pm NYC/ 3am, Sat. 7/31, London/ 4am, Sat. Paris/ 12noon, Sat., Sydney/ 11am, Sat., Tokyo

Click here for more time zones!

Click here to join the Keynote:

Friday, July 30, 2010

David Nunan TESOL Seminar: Motivating Young Learners

Reform Symposium

Showcasing Innovation in Education

The Reform Symposium is a free online conference for educators, administrators, parents and students. This year the conference is focused on innovative practices in education and what role these practices can play in educational reform.

Online presentations,

Saturday, July 17, 2010


As posted on the Young Learners SIG Yahoo! Group list:

[1] We've now started adding subtitles - see these smories:

[2] From May onwards, a new smory will be published daily, and all will be subtitled.

[3] The "Submit your own flimed smory" functionality is now live on the site. We still can't take external readers for stories submitted by writers, but we CAN take films of kids reading their own stories.

It's all done in a kids-safe environment. Instructions are available on the main menu on

The direct link is here: http://www.smories. com/submit/ video/

Best wishes,
- Ralph

Friday, July 16, 2010

The POST Method: A systematic approach to social strategy

The POST Method: A systematic approach to social strategy

by Josh Bernoff

What do most companies do wrong when they enter the social world? No, it's not that they're being fake, or don't "get it." It's that they don't really know their objectives.

Is your company doing its social strategy backwards?

If you started by saying "we should do a blog" or "we should create a page on a social network" or "we should create a community" the answer is probably yes.

In any other business endeavor we start by figuring out what we want to accomplish. Social technologies are not magic. They accomplish things, too. It's time to stop doing social because it's cool. It's time to start doing it because it's effective.

Read full article here,

APA Cogniive Taxonomy

Click on the link to view graphic from APA website,

Comment posted on Cris's blog

Hi Cris,

I'm still trying to finish my own PhD race. Although I am in my last leg of the race, I feel that I have already consumed my last energy pack. After writing the first five chapters, working on the last one is not as easy as I thought it would be. I need to consolidate all the ideas that I've presented in the previous chapters, but I find myself running out of things to say.

I started this race back in 2004. 'worked on my pilot study, survey, and case study. Then by early 2006, I took a Leave of absence due to personal reasons. Miki (my husband) decided to subspecialize in Nephrology which would take 2 years. I was only able to continue my studies after he got his subspecialty certificate- that was in 2008. Using the data gathered in 2005 were still useful but I felt I needed to spruce things up. So, I did another survey, a replicate of the 2005 survey, and a new case study. I'm hoping that I did the right move, and that I'm presenting something that is worthy of a PhD degree.

Cris, I could almost see the finish line; It's near and yet so far...will I be able to make it before my energy pack totally runs out?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Invitation to listen to David Crystal on the British Council Isle in Second Life

Posted on behalf of Graham Stanley

We are pleased to announce that two talks by renowned linguist David

Crystal next week which will be retransmitted live to people on the

British Council Isle in Second Life

Details are here:

1) Speaking Shakespeare: Fact and Fiction

A light-hearted romp through Shakespeare

Prof. David Crystal and Hilary Crystal

WHEN: Monday, July 12, 2010 at 5.00pm UK time

see for local time

WHERE: British Council Isle

2)Myths and realities of English on the Internet

by Prof. David Crystal

The internet, the language linker par excellence, offers ELT fresh

opportunities and challenges, but to respond to these requires an

understanding of how language is evolving in electronic media. The

talk examines some of the myths about what is happening to English in

electronic communication, and discusses research realities.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 9am UK time - see for local time

WHERE: British Council Isle


To participate in the event, join us at the British Council Isle in

Second Life:

Anybody (over 18) can access the Main Grid island by downloading the

Second Life software from

Creating an avatar is free and takes 15 minutes. Once you've

registered and downloaded the software, teleport directly to the event

by clicking on the following link in your browser:

For more information on Second Life for English learners and teachers

have a look here:


David Crystal will be speaking live at ETAI's 6th International

conference, Linking Through Language (see

for more information)

Looking forward to seeing you on the island!

As posted on the webheads list

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Web 3.0- the Video

Web 3.0 from Kate Ray on Vimeo.

Structure is needed to make sense of all the data we have on he Internet. Information overload can be overwhelming- and people tend not to engage or drop the whole thing (stop reading or sharing) simply because there's too much information going around!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Letter from the Chair

Here's a copy of Letter from the Chair which I wrote as part of the NNESTIS newsletter first issue for 2010,

Dear NNESTIS members,

Now in its third year as an interest section, NNESTIS is still going strong! At the recent TESOL convention in Boston, our IS was very well represented. With 29 sessions this year, compared with the 25 sessions we did in 2009, it just goes to show that our members have still got a lot to say about the issues that we advocate for. Below is a list of hot topics that we will be discussing at TESOL 2011 (New Orleans):

•Examining the “E” in TESOL
•Employment issues in Asia
•Native speaker and color in the workplace
•Tomorrow with an E: that is, how NNES teachers can compete with NES teachers in the teaching profession
•Reviewing previous studies and envisioning the future of NNESTIS
•Topics related to other ISs can include NNEST focus
•How the NNEST issue is affecting everyone in the field
•Analysis of policies in other organizations
One of the items on my to-do list is to conduct a series of free webinars for our members. The first session, held on April 23, 2010, and entitled “Webinar on Writing Good Proposals for the TESOL Convention,” was for those who may be interested in submitting a proposal but don’t know how. We were very fortunate to have Past Chair Karen Newman and Robert Griffin to share with our members some tips and tricks. Unfortunately, Valerie Jakar was unable to do her presentation because of illness. However, we’re planning to put up a slidecast and podcast of her session soon, which will also be available for download. PowerPoint materials used in the session and a link to the recording of the webcast can be accessed at

The next webinar in the lineup is about improving presentation skills. Having your proposals get accepted is just the beginning. Making sure that you’re able to present your session well is just as important. Learn what it takes to impress an audience. Details about this webinar will be posted to the NNESTIS e-list.

In addition to the webinars, I am also planning to do another Electronic Village Online (EVO) session for 2011. Please look at the EVO session we offered back in 2009 ( For EVO2011, I’d like to organize an online workshop for NNES teachers who wish to enhance their teaching skills. The focus will be on teaching practice(s) in the local context. I’d like to see more EFL teachers participate and share with us how they teach and what they teach. If you’re interested in helping out in the planning process, please get in touch with me.

If you look at the list of hot topics above and at the topics of our webinars and online workshop, you will notice that we’d like to cover a wide scope of issues. Yes, it is true that discrimination against teachers who are labeled as nonnative speakers is still rampant and sometimes we see it right under the wings of TESOL. However, we should bear in mind that although we are very much interested in the issues regarding nonnative speaker status, we cannot deny the fact that they are interconnected with the issues of other interest sections in TESOL. We need to deal with these issues from the inside out. As a group we are united because despite the differences in the color of our skin, the beauty of our own first language(s), and the unique sound of our accents, we see one common ground that bonds us together: These differences unite us. These differences define who we are. And as long as we value these differences as our strength, we can serve the larger EFL/ESL community much better without losing our own identity in the process.

I am hoping that through the webinars, online workshops, and face-to-face conference presentations, NNESTIS can help empower you so you can help us empower teachers in the larger EFL/ESL communities areas all over the world. As we think global, we spread our vision to the world. We do this by working with local TESOL affiliates to gain access to local teachers. And with the power of new technologies, teacher professional development is just a click away. It’s time to think “glocally.” And it’s time for all of us to pay it forward.

Aiden Yeh

NNEST Newsletter 2010 Volume 12 Number 1: Table of Contents