Saturday, 7/31/2010, 12 noon
Day 1 Closing Keynote: Sue Waters
By Christopher Rogers, on July 10th, 2010
Sue Waters is Australian based in Perth and is married with two kids. While her work as an aquaculture lecturer, at Challenger TAFE, earned her the vote of the coolest job title Sue’s passion is the use of technology to enhance student learning.
Sue’s technology use has changed considerably since she was first introduced to it’s potential in 2000; from a LMS (WebCT) to Virtual Classrooms (Elluminate), mobile technologies (spyglasses, PDAs, iPods) and Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis etc).
Her passion for technology has lead to Sue’s transition from aquaculture lecturer, to facilitating professional development workshops on elearning and web 2.0 technologies to her current role as editor of The Edublogger and working for Edublogs as Edublogs Community Facilitator.
While she does spend considerable time helping and mentoring others — she does make time for for her personal and family life. Sue’s favorite ways of relaxing are reading a good book or going to a movie at the cinema.
As a blogger Sue stands for — practical application of technologies in education, and most importantly HELPING OTHERS learn how to use these technologies.
Date & Times: Fri. July 30th 9pm-10pm LA/ 12am Sat. NYC/ 5am, Sat. 7/31, London/ 6am, Sat. Paris/ 2pm, Sat., Sydney/ 1pm, Sat., Tokyo
Click here to join the Keynote:
Keynote’s Website: Sue Waters,
Twitter: @SueWaters
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