Thursday, January 20, 2005

Re: invitation to participate in my research

Thank you so much. You're heaven sent:-) You will be in good company, don't worry. OK, first things first.
This way all messages are archived. To post a message, simply write an email to and I will be able to receive your messages. This yahoogroup [or YG for short] is a discussion group. You will also be able to receive other members' postings. Not all of them will participate in my research because I could only monitor 2-3 teachers.
To participate in my planned teacher training activities, you will need to work with me for 6 months or shorter. You and I will be working together and corresponding through emails and chats. My yahooid is aidenyeh. I need to understand your current working scenario [aside from the questionnaire that you already filled in], I need to know the teaching skills that you know and skills that you want to learn more and improve. This way, I could design an online training session with TESOL professionals to help you advance professionally as a teacher and to motivate and inspire you with your teaching.
There is no monetary involve here as your participation is voluntary. The activities are flexible but focused on  your learning needs.
It is also important at this stage to develop camaraderie [friendly working relationship] between us.
All correspondences are archived at our taiwanese yahoogroups and will also be posted on my blog at
Speaking of blogs, you will also be asked to create one. I will show you and guide you on how to create your own blog when you're ready :-)
There's a poll at our YG, did you take it already?
Do you mind if you write a brief self-introduction at our yahoogroups?
Again, thank you so much. Your participation in my research is indeed very much appreciated.

apriltej122 <> wrote:
I would like to participte in your research!!

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